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  • Writer's picturehannahbechelet

I'm running the London Marathon!

Updated: Jan 23, 2019

We all know the saying ‘if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.’ And that’s exactly what I am doing, although I am hoping I only have to try once more!

Last year I was lucky enough to get a place in the London Marathon, running for a charity close to my heart, Jersey Hospice Care. I did all the training, from long runs to sprints, ate well and rested up. My friend helped fixed the sciatica that plagued me in the weeks before and on race day I was raring to go. That was until he hottest London Marathon on record defeated me.

At 11 miles in I collapsed with heat exhaustion and was so delirious I struggled to remember I was married! A trip to the hospital and a drip sorted me out, but I was devastated to have had to stop.

I remember crying to my mum (on the floor of Bermondsey Station) whilst waiting for the paramedics to arrive that ‘maybe they would let me run again next year.’ I am delighted (even if the rest of my family are not so!) that Jersey Hospice Care have.

The training has started and I am up to 10 miles. I will be crossing that finish line in April - and I will be raising money for Hospice in the process. And I will be documenting my progress every couple of weeks on here.

Please wish me luck! I’m keeping my fingers crossed for a cooler day come April!

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