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  • Writer's picturehannahbechelet

Nearly there!!

There’s just three days to go until I’ll be running the London Marathon! I’m feeling a mix of really excited, and a little nervous.

Lots of people have asked me if I feel better prepared than I did last year, but the truth is that last year I felt just as prepared! I had done exactly the same amount of training, had eaten and slept well etc, the weather just affected me in a way that I couldn’t have imagined. Having said that, I have enjoyed training more this year and I am running faster times that I did last year too. Not sure what the reason is for that, but I’ll take it!

On my final 'long' run in Jersey

In terms of preparing for the race, the running is over now! I did my last ‘long’ run on Sunday, a 10 miler in rather warm weather in Jersey. It went well and left me feeling confident for the weekend. This week I have done a couple of shorter runs and I am going to do a workout today, but apart from that I am focussing on just relaxing and sleeping as much as possible (not the easiest when you are on early shifts but I am trying!)

I am hoping this is my secret weapon!

Eating wise, it is all about the carb loading! I have planned lots of carb heavy breakfast, lunches and dinners for the next few days and I am trying to drink as much as possible to help hydrate. I have read up a lot about the benefits of beetroot juice on helping running so I have bought some to drink over the next couple of days, and have on the morning of the race. It tastes disgusting, but it will be worth it if it helps, even a little!

I am still hoping for a 4 hour 15 time. I think my training runs suggest that could happen but to be honest I will just be happy to finish this time so I will take whatever!

It has been a long few months of training, and I’ll reflect more on what I’ve learnt after Sunday. For now I need to finish packing my bag, eat those carbs and sleep as much as possible.

London Marathon, I’m coming for you!

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